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Showing posts from 2016

Coming Soon: Fiction Plots

Dear all, I would soon upload a new book called Romantic Plots on Amazon. Here are the titles: Plot Titles for Romance: 1- A Secret and sweet memories 2- Richi’s customer 3- A False Alarm 4- A Death to Remember 5- She hates muscles 6- The poor Artist 7- An English Teacher 8- Lover’s Killer 9- The Gambler Fan 10- A Viral Heartbreak  11- The Newcomer 12- A soldier’s friend 13- Remember me forever 14- A Late Reply 15- Caught in Mountains 16- The Lost Gift 17- Retiring age 18- Choices of Destiny 19- Lucky Love 20- Life Sentence Here is one sample Plot (draft):  Title : A Secret and Sweet Memories       Genre : Romance Setting :  Small village in historical Europe, the town of Sogndal, Norway and in London. Plot Summary : In 1988 the secret story of Aina revealed two hundred years later when her grandest daughter found papers locked in a metal box underground her old house. Twenty One year ...

Introduction to My Short Story Fiction: Lover For A Winter

“Since 1946-1955 I had been working as Editor in Chief for Exceptional Writers magazine (EW!) in Canada. It was in November 1946 that we launched a new project for the success of our business. The project was named “Post-World War II Best Photo Stories”. We interviewed thousands of potential journalists and photographers. We selected the best 200 among all the candidates. To my astonishment, there was a very young Journalist/photographer named Zubair Bakhtyar at the age of 20 whose self-belief was beyond the heights of Mount Everest. He was selected for the most difficult and brutal task anyone had imagined at that time. His job was to take photos and write true stories about the residents of Yakutsk city, Russia. The story that I would be relating to you is selectively taken from the letters that Zubair mailed us from Russia.” – Khairuddin Ayubzai

I love to see you smile !

We all are humans and we love humans to smile. How do you live in peace if you take away the happiness of another fellow on earth? How do you love your children if you do not pay attention to all other children living in crisis? How do you eat peacefully if you know there are millions waiting for a loaf of bread that would never come.  We can not change the world instantly as we know it but at least each one of us could become a role model for our children. At least we would not be accountable for our conscience. Our beloved prophet MUHAMMAD (peace be upon him) said 14 centuries ago: "Love also for others what you love for yourself".  We are living in a completely different world where the quest for shelter is replaced with a luxury house, food with a beautiful car, a honest friend with a sexy girlfriend and more. However, considering all the above requirements of the new world order there are still many people who would become the happiest people on the planet if fo...